At Secret Essence, we believe in a 360* approach when it comes to your skin’s overall health, encompassing Body, Mind, Skincare & Treatments.
— Audrey O'Meara, Owner of Secret Essence Health & Beauty Clinic

Secret Essence Skin Consultations

We pride ourselves on our thorough skin consultations. There are no such thing as quick fix solutions here but with a dedicated commitment from us & you as our client, together we can create great changes in your skin. We believe a skin consultation is the first & most important step to achieve your skin goals as it gives us a clear direction & understanding on how to create your bespoke skincare journey.

Your skin being the largest organ of your body, responds to many different influences. Therefore, it is vital we have a thorough understanding of your overall health, wellbeing, lifestyle, diet & what products you are currently using.  During your consultation we will chat about these & give you our knowledge, tips & recommendations on areas to improve upon allowing you make your own informed decision moving forward. We will discuss exactly what you would like to achieve & set realistic goals to pursue it, be it through homecare regime or together with salon treatments.  

Digital Skin Analysis

Our advanced facial skin analyis machine utilises cutting-edge technology to give you a detailed examination of the skin at a microscopic level. It elevates skin analysis by combining traditional skin images with AI technology, providing unparalleled insights into whats below the skins surface. The AI technology can also give us detailed predictions of how the skin could potentially look in 5-7 years. This scan, paired with Audrey’s extensive knowledge & understanding of the skin, will giving her the tools to direct your skin journey in the right direction to prevent inevitable outcomes.

Online Skin Consultations

Our Secret Essence online skin consultations will take the same shape albeit through an online platform! 

You can choose between Zoom, WhatsApp call or FaceTime call.

When you book in for a Secret Essence online Skin Consultation, we will send you a link to our detailed consultation forms & ask that you fill them out & return them to us within 24 hours of your appointment together with 3 clear photos, make-up free, taken in good lighting.

On the day of your consultation, we recommend you have your current skincare products to hand so we can see what you are using. 

Once your skin consultation is complete, you are officially a “Secret Essence Client” & we take you under our very proud wing. We will take great care of your skin needs.  We will send you a detailed list of recommended, results-driven products from our professional collections, available to purchase through our online shop or in salon shop. 

We are available for guidance whenever you need or you can book in for follow up consultations to chat about your progression. 

Here’s to the start of your Secret Essence Skin Journey

Tel: 057 9125679