Meicet Digital Skin Analysis

Our Meicet, advanced facial skin analysis machine utilises cutting-edge technology to give you a detailed examination of the skin at a microscopic level.

It elevates skin analysis by combining traditional skin images with AI technology, providing unparalleled insights into what’s below the skins surface.

Meicet’s advanced technology provides 13 diagnostic reports based on levels of Sensitivity, Pores, Wrinkles, Porphyrins, UV spots & Wood’s.

The AI technology in this facial scanner gives us the ability to provide before and after client treatment comparisons, give you tailored statistics on skin symptoms & can also give us detailed predictions of how the skin could potentially look in 5-7 years.

This scan, paired with our extensive knowledge & understanding of the skin & body, will give us the tools to direct your skin journey in the right direction to prevent inevitable outcomes.

Its time to uncover the unseen with our new Skin Scanner for a totally bespoke skincare experience.