Genosys Microneedling

What is Microneedling?

Dermal needling, Microneedling, Needling, Collagen Induction Therapy – These are all names for a professional treatment that gives a much-desired result: youthful, smooth, plumped skin, helping to reduce lines & wrinkles, sagging, pigmentation, scarring & open pores. In short, Microneedling stimulates collagen like no other treatment.

It is an effective & clinical treatment that involves the use of numerous tiny needles to manipulate the lower layers of the skin & trigger the stimulation of YOUR collagen & elastin dramatically. These needles penetrate the upper layer of your skin to a depth of 1.5mm inducing what we call a controlled injury thus causing your skin to kick into heal & repair mode, stimulating the growth of your collagen & elastin fibres. 

Does the treatment hurt?

We administer a topical *anaesthetic before each treatment to reduce any discomfort. It will normally take up to 30 minutes for the topical anaesthetic to work before we start the treatment.

How many treatments are recommended?

A single treatment can produce noticeable results, however a course of 3-5 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart is recommended to achieve optimum results, in conjunction with a home skincare regime.  The specific number of sessions required will depend on the condition of the area being treated.

How long will it take to see results?

After the procedure your body will start to naturally regenerate and repair the skin, working below the surface in the dermis. This takes time as new collagen is formed, new skin cells are generated and blood supply is enhanced. It can take up to 4 weeks before visible signs of regeneration and repair are seen and the process will continue over the following months, providing you with a natural and long-lasting enhancement.

Is there downtime after the treatment?

Recovery or downtime may take 24 hours or up to a few days depending on your skin healing.  Most people should however be able to return to work the following day. Mineral make up can be applied 24hrs after treatment.

 Genosys MesoTherapy

What is Meso Therapy?

While still under the umbrella of microneedling, Meso therapy is a much less invasive treatment with minimal to zero downtime. Using our Genosys Dermapen, with a needle depth of 0.25-0.50mm we create micro channels in the skin to allow optimum penetration. These channels form a  pathway to allow our specific highly concentrated serums infuse into your skin at a much deeper level to enhance their results.

What are the benefits of MesoTherapy?

• Overall skin rehydration.

• Increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

• Improvement in the skin’s complexion and radiance.

• Prevention of wrinkles and rejuvenates and revives dull, tired skin.

• Improves tone and elasticity of sagging skin on the hands, décolleté    and neck area.

• Treats dry and sensitive skin.


Therapies Available Prices
♡ Meso Therapy
Single Session €125
Course of 3 €335
♡ Microneeding*
Single Session €170
Course of 3 €470
Course of 5 €760
♡ LED Therapy
Add on €30
Single Session €50
♡ Dermapeel
Add on €10

*Patch test is required for treatment